Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Bumbu Village

June 24 trip to Bumbu to examine a potential garden project; our guide, Bonaventure, who lives nearby, wanted us to see a site where he would like to develop a garden and do some animal husbandry.

Bumbu village market scene.

One of 647,894,500,523 examples of people carrying loads on their heads.

A viewing before the funeral is set up right in the middle of the avenue.

The viewing itself.

Typical village market scene.

The entrance to our host Bonaventure's home.

The living room in Bonaventure's home.

Bonaventure treated us to Fanta and peanuts.

Here's another potential project; building a bridge over this stream.

As this photo illustrates, the existing bridge isn't too safe.

Close up of bridge.

The street where Bonaventure lives.

Examining a shallow (3 feet deep) well; such wells cannot produce safe drinking water.

Market days; people eat a lot of leaves in the DRC.

A lot of charcoal for cooking piled and ready to be sold.

Maize and manioc flour are staples in the DRC.

Yes, those are caterpillars for sale; most Congolese really do love to eat them with their "fufu" which is made from manioc flour.

July 1 we went back to Bumbu to see the 120 meter well that our friend Eloi is doing at the Bumbu ward chapel.  Evidently the public water utility is very unreliable and costs too much.

The well really had great water pressure.  The water will be piped to a "chateau d'eau" which is an elevated structure that will house some cisterns filled with water which will then feed into the building's existing plumbing system.

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